Please watch my other 2 videos on the subject of Craig Wright and Bitcoin SV here: and here: Craig Wright says: “Bitcoin Core is already dead. They just don’t know it yet. With the changes from the original Bitcoin and what they’ve done to add Segwit and whatever else, they don’t understand the system well enough and they will learn next year that there’s a fatal flaw in BTC. And by “fatal” I mean there won’t be any BTC at the end of next year.” My thoughts on this: If Craig truly knows of an exploit of this nature, then it would be the biggest news crypto has seen since 2009. Do I think it's likely? I think it may be possible, but not likely. More importantly, Craig often seems to be all *talk* and I am not confident in the actuality of him pulling this off. If he does, then he would prove basically everyone wrong. I would wait to see if he can keep his word on other things first, before believing him on this extreme statement. Full credit goes to The Crypto Show for this video clip. ⚫ Excerpt is from The Crypto Show video: “Dr. Craig S Wright on the origins of Bitcoin and the upcoming BCH/SV vs BCH/ABC fork.” ⚫ The Crypto Show YouTube channel: Calvin Ayre. Craig Wright (self-proclaimed satoshi), nChain, Coingeek, Amaury Sechet, Bitcoin ABC, BitcoinABC, Bitcoin Unlimited, November 15, 2018, Bitcoin SV, SV Pool, 51% attack, Hard Fork, Hardfork, Split, Network Upgrade, Hash War - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer: The views expressed in this video are strictly my own and are not to be construed as trading advice. Do not buy, sell or otherwise trade cryptocurrency based on the content of this video. I am merely sharing what I have done and what I would do in various situations as an educational tool only. #bitcoincash #bitcoin #btc #bitcoinsv #bsv #blockchain #cryptocurrency #tokens #coins #crypto #news #craigwright #satoshi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⚡Colin Talks Crypto⚡ addresses/wallets: 💜 EOS donation address/account name: colintcrypto 💜 Ethereum (ETH) address: 0x5b90414Aeb115f910698304E63C2C3092739c9c0 💜 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address: qpzc3apy9s8x2qtlqxxgnalfxtzgnkg5nq352w9k2t 💜 Bitcoin (BTC) address: 1Da6ivdriJpzqnLkNEa1XnKk5nGCiyRZrF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You can reach me at: 💗 Website: 💗 YouTube: 💗 Twitter: (@ColinTCrypto) 💗 Steemit: 💗 T-shirts and merchandise: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -